Talks and Presentations


Throughout my work, I always emphasized the importance of sharing and of learning from each other. I have been teaching in academic and professional settings for over 30 years and am available as a keynote speaker for conferences and events internationally in English and German on a range of topics, and my work has been published both in English and German. Topics include media theory, narrative models in business, electronic publishing as well as specific questions on startup company strategies.

Currently, I am interested in modes of usage of different media and the relationship between media and memory.


Coaching Body Hear and Mind
Gaurav Arora, MCC invited me to speak at Coaching Matters, a series of presentations of top coaches created by xMonks. All materials are for reference only. Contact me if you are interested in having me speak at your event.

'What's Next For Me' With Florian Brody Destiny Awakening Interviews 30
Are you stuck in your journey and still don't have a destination? Find out how you can discover the path to the next level of your career and in life...
An interview conducted by Andrew Wayfinder - Spring 2021

Christian von Burkersroda und sein Coaching-Kollege Florian Brody aus Kalifornien sprechen über Leadership Coaching in der alten und der neuen Welt. Wie wird Coaching verstanden und wie hat die Corona Krise Coaching durch digitale Medien verändert? Weiterhin sprechen beide Coaches über die neue Herausforderung an die Führungskräfte nun ihre Teams digital führen zu müssen. [in German] – Podcast WENDEPUNKTE 4.0. Apple Podcast | Spotify

Florian Brody with Bill Sutton & Bruce Turkel on "What does the future hold?" hosted by Bill Guertin: Everyone wants to know, and in this latest Webinar from ISBI 360, three leading experts on future trends will reveal their views on what's on the horizon for careers, branding, economics, sports, and more.

TEDxVienna – Florian Brody - Bridging the Crack

TEDxKlagenfurt – Emptiness - energy from within

EcoCom Conference Berlin

TedxVienna – Digital Media Memory Places

TEDxLinz – Appropriate Listening – Angemessen Zuhören

Florian Brody with Tony Wessling of Chromium: When Up is Down – Brand Leadership in the Time of COVID. In times of crisis, when there are a lot of variables and unknowns, how is the leadership team of a brand supposed to make a "good" decision?