Cooking Meditation

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In times of COVID-19, we tend to let go of attending to aspects of our personal well-being, especially when our social contacts are limited. Adding a meditation practice is very beneficial. An active way of meditation is the preparation of food with full attention to all aspects and all details:

“When washing rice, preparing vegetables, and so on, do so with your own hands, with close attention, vigorous exertion, and a sincere mind. Do not indulge in a single moment of carelessness or laziness. Do not allow attentiveness to one thing to result in overlooking another.” (Dogen: Instructions for the cook)

Carefully choose a recipe that you can relate to, and that will bring you joy. Start by assembling all the ingredients diligently. Choose wisely and with consideration of all resources and the planned outcome. Every step needs to be carefully observed. Consider the season, where to get your ingredients, your budget, and your impact on others.

Set out all ingredients and implements to ensure you have everything you need ready (mise en place). As you prepare your meal, don’t think of anything else. Take every step as if your life depends on it.

Once read, set the table, and serve the most important person in the world.



Don’t forget to thank the cook for an excellent meal.




To study the self is to forget the self…


not knowing is most intimate